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Lambda expressions (Java)

The idea behind lambda expressions, how to use them, lambda expression scope, etc.

Lambda expressions in general

Lambda expression:

  • General concept in programming that is a synonym for anonymous function
  • Is a function (a piece of code that accepts input, does something with it and potentially returns a result) that is not explicitly named.
  • These anonymous functions are very useful for passing them around to be used as input for other functions that operate on functions.

Why the name lambda? Anonymous functions were first described in a paper by Alonzo Church, written in 1936, before electronic computers even existed. In that paper, the parameters for the anonymous functions were marked using the letter λ (lambda). He picked this letter because the classic work Principia Mathematica, a very important work in the field of mathematics released about 20 years earlier, used the ^ accent to mark function parameters, which kind of looked like an uppercase lambda (Λ).

Lambda expressions in Java

Lambda expression in Java:

  • Some code to execute (the body of the expression), together with the input parameters.
  • You don’t need to specify the return type of the body: Java automatically infers it.
  • If the body doesn’t fit on one line, simply create a block for it.
  • If you specify the interface that the lambda expression conforms to, Java can infer the types of the parameters and you don’t need to specify them explicitly anymore
    • If there is only a single argument with an inferred type, we can even omit the parentheses around that argument.
public static int compareStrings(Comparator<String> comp) {
return"string1", "string2");

public static int test() {
return compareStrings((first, second) ->
first.length() - second.length());

Functional interfaces

Functional interface:

  • Interface is that it has a single abstract method
  • Example: Comparator<String>
  • Whenever a piece of code requires an object conforming to a functional interface, you can instead pass a lambda expression implementing the single abstract method of that interface
  • Often have @FunctionalInterface annotation
    • Not required, but recommended
    • Clear indication that the interface is a functional interface
    • Compile-time checking that the interface indeed has a single abstract method

With the introduction of lambda expressions, Java also supplied a collection of new predefined functional interfaces in the java.util.function package. These are some general interfaces specifically intended to describe common signatures for lambda expressions.

Example functional interface included in java.util.function: Predicate<T>

  • Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) taking one argument
  • Has a single abstract method test(T t) returning a boolean value
  • Has static factory method isEqual, returning a Predicate implementation that checks for equality to a certain object
  • Has default methods and,or and negate to combine or invert existing predicates

Also several other functional interfaces available by default, like java.util.Comparator (seen above) or java.lang.Runnable

Creating own functional interfaces:

  • Avoid this where possible (prefer using predefined functional interfaces)
  • Mostly useful if you need a functional interface with uncommon signature
    • Example: an expression taking two int values and returning an instance of a custom Color class
      • Could in principle use the BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Color> interface, but you can avoid automatic boxing ad unboxing between int and Integer by specifying your own function interface
    • Example: expression taking a String and potentially throwing a checked exception, which should then be declared on the abstract method of the functional interface
  • Don’t forget to mark with @FunctionalInterface annotation

Lambda expression scope

Lambda expressions have the same scope as a nested block:

  • Cannot declare a variable with the same name as a variable in the enclosing scope
  • If you use the this keyword inside a lambda expression, it denotes the this reference of the method creating the lambda
    • Consequence: lambda expressions cannot call default methods of the interface they implement
  • Other example of nested block scope: the block of an if-statement

Important feature of lambda expressions: can access variables from the enclosing scope

  • This means lambda expression can access variables from the method creating the lambda expression, even if that method has already completed and its local variables are thus gone!
  • When storing a lambda expression in a variable, the object representing the lambda expression also includes the values of these free variables (variables that are not parameters and are not defined inside the lambda expression’s code)
  • Such a combination of a block of code together with the values of free variables is called a closure
  • Important restriction: you can only capture variables that are effectively final
    • Effectively final: the variables don’t change; either they are declared final or they could have been declared final
    • This also means that it is not possible to reassign captured variables from the lambda expression
    • This is a lot more restrictive than what you can do in for example JavaScript
    • Note: while you cannot change the values of captured variables, you can still call methods on them if they are objects.
    • Note: the variable of an enhanced for loop is effectively final because its scope is limited to a singe iteration of the loop.

Example block scope and accessing free variable:

public class Test {    
private int instanceVariable = 1;

public Predicate<String> getPredicate() {
int localVariable = 10;

return string -> {
int localVariable = 5; // compiler error
System.out.println(localVariable); // 10
System.out.println(this.instanceVariable); // 1
return string.length() > localVariable;

Example effectively final:

int localVariable = 10;

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
predicates.add(string -> {
localVariable++; // compiler error
return string.length() > i; // compiler error
return string.length() > localVariable; // ok

Example effectively final enhanced for loop:

List<Integer> integers;
List<Integer> processedIntegers;

for (Integer integer: integers) {
predicates.add(string -> {
return string.length() > integer;

Java as a (somewhat) functional language

With the introduction of lambda expressions, Java added some features typical for functional languages:

  • Lambda expressions and functional interfaces can be seen as a way to treat functions as first-class objects, allowing to store functions in variables or pass them around to functions
  • This way, Java supports the creation of higher-order functions, which are methods/functions that process or return other functions (although, in reality, those functions are just objects of classes implementing a functional interface)
  • Example: a static method that accepts a boolean indicating a direction and returns a Comparator based on the input
  • Example: a method that takes a Comparatorand returns a new Comparator reversing the order of the initial Comparator (the Comparator interface actually has a default method reversed() which reverses the current Comparator)

Java now also has a powerful mechanism to pass regular methods around as objects, which is essentially a shorthand for writing lambda expressions invoking the same methods. This is the mechanism of method references. There are three variations here:

  • Class::staticMethod: a reference to a static method of a class
  • Class::instanceMethod: a reference to an instance method of a class. The first argument specifies the object on which the instance method is invoked.
  • object::instanceMethod: a reference to an instance method of a class which will be invoked an a specific object
public class Test {    
public static void staticMethod(String input) {
System.out.println("static:" + input);

public void instanceMethod(String input) {
System.out.println("instance:" + input);
// method reference
// equivalent lambda expression
input -> Test.staticMethod(input)

// method reference
// equivalent lambda expression (2 parameters!)
(instance, input) -> instance.instanceMethod(input)

Test testInstance = new Test();
// method reference
// equivalent lambda expression
input -> testInstance.instanceMethod(input)

Some more realistic examples:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

// Class::staticMethod
// Class::instanceMethod
// object::instanceMethod

As another practical example, consider the Comparator.comparing method. This method takes a method reference that extracts the values to compare. This allows for easy construction of custom Comparator instances.


There is also a similar mechanism, constructor references, for passing around constructors. This uses the syntax Class::new. If there are multiple constructors, the compiler will infer which constructor to use from the context.

public class Dog {    
private final String name;

public Dog() { = "Max";

public Dog(String name) { = name;
// no-argument constructor
Supplier<Dog> dogSupplier = Dog::new;

// String argument constructor
Function<String, Dog> nameToDog = Dog::new;

You can also use constructor references to construct arrays. In that case, the array size is determined by the single parameter passed to the constructor reference.

Alternatives: local and anonymous classes

Before the introduction of lambda expressions, Java already had a concise way to define a class implementing an interface. The way to do this was to use local or anonymous classes.

A local class is a class defined inside a method. A typical use case is if you want to provide an object conforming to an interface and it doesn’t really matter what the implementing class is.

int localVariable = 10;

class LengthPredicate implements Predicate<String> {
public boolean test(String string) {
return string.length() > localVariable;

Predicate<String> predicate = new LengthPredicate();

If you use your local class only once, it makes more sense to remove the name and to define it as an anonymous class.

int localVariable = 10;        

Predicate<String> predicate = new Predicate<String>() {
public boolean test(String string) {
return string.length() > localVariable;

Just like with lambda expressions, the code in local and anonymous classes can access local variables defined in their enclosing scope. Also just like with lambda expressions, this is only allowed if those local variables are effectively final.

Some important differences:

  • You can use local/anonymous classes to implement interfaces with more than one abstract method. You are not restricted to functional interfaces.
  • Local/anonymous classes allow you to define local variables with the same name as local variables in the enclosing scope. This hides the variable in the enclosing scope from the code in the local/anonymous class (this is called shadowing). Lambda expressions forbid this.
  • Local/anonymous classes are actual classes
    • Unlike lambda expressions, they can define and access their own instance variables.
    • This also means that, if you use the this keyword in a method of a local/anonymous class, it refers to the instance of the class itself and not to the this reference of the method creating the local/anonymous class.
      • Can use this to call default methods on the interface that they are implementing!
      • Still possible to access this reference of the method creating the local/anonymous class if needed

Example more than one abstract method:

public interface TwoMethodInterface {
public void methodA();
public void methodB();
TwoMethodInterface twoMethodInterface = new TwoMethodInterface() {
public void methodA() {

public void methodB() {

Example shadowing:

int localVariable = 10;        

Predicate<String> predicate = new Predicate<String>() {
public boolean test(String string) {
System.out.println(localVariable); // 10
int localVariable = 1;
System.out.println(localVariable); // 1
return string.length() > localVariable;

Example instance variables, thisand default methods:

public interface InterfaceA {    
public abstract void doSomething();

public default void logCount(int count) {
InterfaceA interfaceA = new InterfaceA() {
private int count = 0;

public void doSomething() {

Example accessing this reference of the enclosing method:

public class Test {    
private int instanceVariable = 0;

public int getInstanceVariable() {
return this.instanceVariable;

public void test() {
// using method reference
IntSupplier supplier = this::getInstanceVariable;
// using a local variable referring to this
Test outer = this;
// available from Java 10
// also works if this is instance of anonymous class
var outer2 = this;

InterfaceA interfaceA = new InterfaceA() {
public void doSomething() {
int outerInstanceVariable = supplier.getAsInt();


Functional interfaces and instantiation

Lambda expressions can be used as the value for variables or parameters that have a functional interface as a type. So, does this mean that lambda expressions violate the rule that interfaces cannot be directly instantiated?

Answer: no!

  • When you write a lambda expression, Java uses that to create an instance of some class that implements the relevant functional interface
  • The way these objects and classes are managed depends on the specific Java implementation and can be highly optimized
  • Similar behavior when using anonymous class


Predicate<String> pred1 = (string -> string.length() > 1);

Predicate<String> pred2 = new Predicate<String>() {
public boolean test(String string) {
return string.length() > 1;

System.out.println(pred1.getClass()); // class misc.Main$$Lambda$1/834600351
System.out.println(pred2.getClass()); // class misc.Main$4
